30 June 2012

Mr. Eddy's Classroom Rules

1. We all respect each other.
2. Be prepared by having your binder.
3. No cheating, lying, or stealing of any kind.
4. No candy unless given to you by teacher.
5. Don't touch activities.
6. No horse play.
7. Don't speak unless you raise your hand & are called on.
8. When called on you get full attention.
9. Everyone does something in the groups (not just one person).
10.  Do not cross the tape line and go behind Mr. Eddy's desk with out permission from Mr. Eddy.

                            If you break the rule you will have to write all of the rules!!!

03 June 2012

Lanuagage's Main Function

Language’s main function is to communicate a thought with sufficient clarity that the intended reader or listener will understand unambiguously what was written or said.
                                                         The New Yorker reader, C. Steven Tomashefsky's letter response.